A prism separates white light into its individual colors by bending or refracting light at different angles. Each color wavelength is part of that one ray of light.
In times of darkness, we must always look for the light to guide us through, even if it is just one tiny ray. Prism is a graphic novel anthology that bends that light into all the possibilities it could be and offers us visions of the future that could be if we keep working, fighting and hoping for a better future.
Prism is looking for creators who want to take part in building an anthology of hope. We want comic stories, illustrations and creative fiction/poetry that paint a picture of your perfect Utopia. What is your idea of the perfect world of the future? Who lives there? What brought your perfect world into being?
We invite creators to fill out the submission form and share their visions for the opportunity to be a part of Prism's publication. This project is all about offering hope to those in our communities that may need it.
What We Want:
Diverse Perspective - We want a variety of points of view for this project. What makes a Utopia is going to be different for many different people and we want to showcase a wide variety of those ideas.
A Sense of Hope - Anyone submitting should surrender themselves to an idea of radical optimism in constructing their stories and creative works. We want you to believe in the hope you are putting on the page.
Quality Work - Anyone at any stage in their career is invited to apply, but we are focusing on work that will look polished and complete in a final product.
Timeliness - We need to make sure we hit deadlines. If things are not ready when we are set to publish, we will miss our release window and that is crucial.
What We Don't Want:
Bait and Switches - While we all enjoy a good episode of The Twilight Zone or Black Mirror from time to time, these Utopias are meant to be just that. Not a utopia in appearance that is actually sinister or dystopian.
Exclusion - Your Utopia story should not be based on the exclusion or subjugation of any other population of people. It cannot be a Utopia because there are no people of a certain gender, race, religion, orientation, etc; or themes in a similar vain. We want a sense of unity and hope for all.
Ghosts - If you are accepted as a contributor you must be ready to commit to the project. If we start the process and never hear from you again, you will leave us and your fellow creators in the lurch. Obviously life happens and communication is key. But at the time you agree to participate, you should be prepared to see the project through.
What We Can Offer:
Prism will be crowdfunded and self-published at this juncture. Reaching the first funding goal will pay our creators and finance a digital release. Page rates are $60 USD for artists, $40 for writers and $100 for creative teams per page. Additional stretch goals will fund a print run and a potential bonus to creatives. If the print run stretch goal is met, a percentage of the sale of each book will be placed in a creator account and split amongst the contributors. Each contributor will receive one free copy upon completion.
*** Rules & Guidelines ***
-Submissions will be open from February 1, 2025 until March 8, 2025 11:59pm PST.
-Comic stories need to be 3-10 pages in length.
- Short Fiction, Poems or other Creative Writing should be 500 words or under.
- Stand alone illustrations need to be in vertical format
-Final page size will be 7"x10.5" with a .25" bleed and a 6.25"x9.75" live area. Comic stories can include double page spreads
-Images should be submitted as jpegs with the largest dimension being 4000px or less for the application.
-Writing submissions, scripts and samples should be submitted as pdfs
- Files should be named 'CreatorLastNameFirstInital_Title_Thing' ex: SnyderN_TheGarden_RoughDraft.pdf
-Creators can submit as a Comic Writer, Comic Writer, Creative Team/Sole Creator, Illustrator or Single Page Writer
-Multiple entries are allowed but limited to two per category, three submissions total, and must be submitted on separate applications.
-Subject must be based on the idea of a possible future utopia.
-The intended audience is PG-13, submissions should not have gore, explicit sexual content, or over use of adult language. Absolutely no use of hate speech, or slurs.
***What You Will Need to Submit***
Comic Artist -
-Artist Blurb/Bio
-Link to Portfolio -or- 4 sample images of work, must include sequential work.
Solo comic artist will be partnered with a solo author after the selection process
Comic Writer -
-Author Blurb/Bio
-Elevator Pitch for your story
-Tentative page count
-Link to Portfolio -or- 3 writing samples -or- rough draft
Creative Team/ Sole Creator -
-Team or Creator Blurb/Bio
-Elevator Pitch for your story
-Tentative Page Count
-Page Sketches and any other preliminary work you want to share
-Link to Portfolio -or- completed samples previous comic work -or- a sample of previous comics writing and artwork -or- rough draft
Illustrator -
-Rough Sketch of Concept
-Artist Statement on concept
-Artist Blurb/Bio
-Link to Portfolio -or- 4 art samples
Writer -
-Rough draft of intended submission
-link to portfolio -or- 3 writing samples in the same style of submission
-Author Blurb/Bio